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Has Your Insurance Company Denied
Your Disability Claim?

Whether an insurance company, employer, union or other ERISA governed
plan has denied your insurance claim, we can help.

The Many Challenges of Receiving Disability Claim for Pain

Disability Claim for PainPain pops up everywhere. A 2019 study found that 10% of American workers experienced lower back pain that caused them to lose time at work. This statistic accounts for only a fraction of the pain that Americans experience daily.

If you experience debilitating pain, you should look into receiving disability benefits. But you need to know some concepts before you file a disability claim in Boston, MA. 

What exactly is pain, and where does it come from? How can you receive treatment for your pain? What does filing a claim for disability mean? 

Answer these questions, and you can receive the treatment you deserve for your pain. Here is your comprehensive guide.

What Is Pain?

Pain is a general term that describes uncomfortable sensations in the body. It stems from the activation of the nervous system. Pain lets a person know that something is wrong with them and encourages them to seek help.

Pain is highly subjective. Someone may feel throbbing, pinching, stinging, burning, or sore pain. Some people have a high tolerance for pain, while others have a low tolerance.

The duration of pain can vary significantly. Someone may feel it throughout the day, or it may start and stop frequently. It can also occur under certain conditions, like during cold weather.

What Causes Pain?

In some cases, pain is clearly caused by a specific injury or medical condition. In other cases, the cause of the pain may be less obvious or unknown. Some common causes of pain include:

  • headache
  • toothache
  • sore throat
  • stomach ache or cramps
  • muscle cramps or strains
  • cuts, burns, or bruises
  • bone fractures

Many illnesses or disorders, such as the flu and ischemic heart disease, can cause pain. Depending on the underlying cause, you may develop other symptoms such as fatigue and swelling.

Types of Pain

There are several different types of pain. It’s possible to experience more than one type at the same time. Identifying the type of pain may help your healthcare professional narrow down the potential causes and develop a treatment plan.

Diagnosing Pain for a Claim for Disability

If you seek a claim for chronic pain in Boston, your healthcare professional will first do a physical examination. Be prepared to describe the pain specifically, including when it started, when it is most intense, and how intense your pain is.

Your doctor may ask you a series of personal questions. Questions may touch upon:

  • how the pain affects your life
  • if you have other symptoms
  • if there are triggers that make the pain worse
  • if you have any diagnosed health conditions
  • what recent injuries or illnesses you have had
  • if you have recently changed your diet or exercise routine
  • if you’re taking medications

Your doctor may be able to diagnose you based on your symptoms and medical history. But they may order one or more of the following tests to check for potential causes of your pain:

  • blood tests, urine tests, stool tests, or cerebral spinal fluid analysis to check for signs of infection or other illnesses
  • endoscopy to check for signs of damage or other problems in your respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, or reproductive tract
  • X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, or ultrasound scan to check for signs of damage in your muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, nerves, or internal organs
  • biopsy to collect a sample of tissue for analysis
  • nerve function tests to learn how your nerves are working
  • psychological tests to check for conditions such as depression

If they can’t find any signs of underlying damage causing the pain, you might have functional pain syndrome. These syndromes are diagnosed based on symptoms after other potential causes are ruled out.

Receiving Long-Term Disability Benefits for Chronic Pain

Once you have a formal diagnosis for your pain, you can start the Boston chronic claim for pain process. You will contact your insurance company for filing for long-term disability benefits. These benefits are distinct from Social Security disability benefits, though you can apply for those as well.

You must prove that your pain disables you. You are unable to fulfill the duties of your job, even with a few months of treatment. Proving this claim requires a lot of evidence, including medical documents from your doctor. 

You need to submit a statement to your insurer. You will include your medical documents and provide details about your work history. Both your employer and your doctor must file their own forms.

Insurance adjusters will examine your claim for chronic pain in Boston and determine your benefits. If you qualify, you can receive benefits within a few weeks. 

If you are rejected, you can appeal to the insurer. You can also file a lawsuit in court. 

You can handle the filing process on your own. At a minimum, you should contact a disability lawyer and ask them to read your application. This will help you correct errors. 

If you are planning on appealing a rejection, you must contact a lawyer. Your insurer will use experienced adjusters and attorneys against you. The best way to defend yourself is with legal help.

Start Receiving Disability Benefits in No Time

Receiving disability benefits is not easy. Pain helps you respond to medical problems. But pain can also be debilitating, regardless of the kind or the cause of the pain you experience. 

You should go to a doctor if you are concerned about pain. You can receive a diagnosis and start on many different treatments. 

To apply for a Boston chronic claim for pain, you must provide medical documents to your insurer. They will use whatever means they can to deny your claim. 

This means you need legal assistance. Jonathan M. Feigenbaum, Esquire serves Massachusetts residents. Contact us today.

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