- ERISA Provision Description of Violation 2017 Penalty (As Adjusted)
- MELA Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability Presentation
- Listen and Learn About Common Pitfalls and Roadblocks that Could Prevent You from Receiving the Disability Benefits You Deserve
- USAIRWAYS V. McCutchen – Why Personal Injury Attorneys Must Stop Worrying and Learn to Love ERISA or At Least Understand Reimbursement Provisions in Benefit Plans
- The Role of “Go-Between” Companies that Select “IME” Physicians for Insurance Carriers
- The Influence of MetLife v. Glenn on the Availability of Discovery
- The Fiduciary Exception To The Attorney-Client Privilege in ERISA Litigation
- Subrogation to Health Care Plans / Long Term Disability White Paper
- Social Media Caution for Clients
- Presentation: Squaring ERISA Long Term Disability Insurance Coverage with Workers’ Compensation
- Presentation: Introduction to ERISA Welfare Benefit Claims
- Musing on Insurance
- Long-Term Disability Claims and Workers’ Compensation Claims—Proof IssuesMELA STD LTD Presentation
- Judge William Acker Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee
- Introduction to ERISA Welfare Benefit Claims 2008
- Did the Supreme Court Flunk Constitutional Law when it Permitted Discretionary Review of Insured ERISA Benefits Cases 2013
- Amicus Brief of MS Society of NY filed in US Supreme Court in support of Mrs. Glenn in MetLife v. Glenn 2008
- American Bar Association Presentation January 2012 – Discovery in ERISA Welfare Benefits Litigation
- The Supreme Court Restores Equity in CIGNA v. Amara
- Subrogation To Health Care Plans 2009
- Health and Disability & Life Insurance Law Updates 2013
- Health and Disability Life Insurance Law Updates 2014
- Pain Worksheet