Has Your Insurance Company Denied
Your Disability Claim?

Whether an insurance company, employer, union or other ERISA governed
plan has denied your insurance claim, we can help.

Working with a Disability Insurance Litigation Lawyer on Hartford Claims

Disability Insurance Litigation Lawyer gavel

A disability insurance litigation lawyer may be able to help you if Hartford or another disability insurance company is refusing your claim. There are more than 40 disability insurance companies that offer long-term coverage, and Hartford has a reputation as one of the most difficult to work with. Such companies often hide behind ERISA disability laws to unfairly deny disability claims like yours. Many of these cases are so heavily contested that they go to court.

The Hartford’s Claim Handling Process Before Denial

To understand why and how The Hartford rejects so many long-term disability claims, it is important to understand how they investigate claims prior to denying them. The first step is to send an investigator to your home for a lengthy interview, during which time the investigator will present surveillance footage of your activities outside the home. You will then receive either a compulsory medical exam or a functional capacity exam (FCE) and, without notice, a one-sided questionnaire will be sent to your treating physician in an attempt to solicit a damaging and biased medical opinion.

Learning More

Learning more about the unfair ways Hartford conducts disability investigations with the goal of denying as many claims as possible is the first step to making a successful claim. A disability attorney who is experienced with the unfair and often intimidating tactics Hartford uses to deny your claim may be able to help you obtain the long-term disability coverage you deserve. Even if you are entitled to coverage through your plan, Hartford commonly seeks to prove that you are not sufficiently disabled to collect on your insurance policy.

Contact a Disability Insurance Litigation Lawyer

Contact Attorney Jonathan M. Feigenbaum, Esquire at (617) 357-9700 to work with a disability insurance litigation lawyer experienced in Hartford practices. We can help you navigate the complicated claims process.

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