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How to Receive Long-Term Disability Benefits for PTSD

ERISA Attorney - PTSD BenefitsPosttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, occurs in about 3.5 percent of U.S. adults each year.

Working and living your everyday life with PTSD can be a struggle. Luckily, there are long-term disability benefits for PTSD that will allow you to recover in your own time.

What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Posttraumatic stress disorder is a serious illness that can emerge after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD often develops after house fires, car crashes, bomb threats, assault, or witnessing another person be harmed or killed. Veterans may also suffer from PTSD from their time at war witnessing traumatic events.

The memories from this event can continue to cause trauma for months or even years after the experience. This trauma will manifest itself in a way that can become debilitating and disrupt an individual’s life.

Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

PTSD symptoms may appear quickly after the event but sometimes can take months or even years to show up. Common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are:

  • avoiding activities that remind the person of the event
  • social withdrawal
  • getting irritated easily
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • inability to concentrate
  • experiencing unwanted memories and flashbacks of the experience

Although these symptoms are not physical, they can be extreme. Past life experience can magnify the symptoms including:

  • feeling extreme fear
  • feeling guilty for the outcome of the event
  • the experience of additional life stress after the event
  • history of mental health issues

Without proper treatment, it is difficult for people to recover from PTSD. It is even harder for those who have other life circumstances and stressors.

How Can Symptoms of PTSD Be Reduced?

Posttraumatic stress disorder causes many symptoms. Even so, with more measures put in place, like the following, there can be fewer symptoms:

  • joining a support group after a traumatic event
  • feeling confident about one’s actions during the event
  • developing a coping strategy

Getting more support will allow individuals who suffer from a traumatic event to heal more quickly. This can also reduce the need for long-term disability.

How Can PTSD Affect My Life?

Having traumatic memories and experiences from past events can cause people to lose their everyday normal functioning. There may be disruptions in sleep patterns, an inability to concentrate and focus on a given task, or the ability to function properly in society.

Without getting proper treatment, PTSD can turn into a long-term disability. Many times, PTSD can cause secondary disability like chronic fatigue or depression and anxiety.

If PTSD becomes a long-term disability, there are options. That said, because of the subjective manner of posttraumatic stress disorder, many disability claims are denied.

What Are the Disability Benefits for PTSD?

Before submitting a claim to insurance to file for disability, you must be receiving the correct treatment. This will be needed to prove that an individual is struggling with mental health, physical conditions, or the inability to work due to PTSD.

When an individual suffers from PTSD, many insurance companies will accept counseling or trauma-based therapy as an acceptable treatment plan. They may also look for the individual to be medicated to treat depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and panic attacks.

Still, it is not always easy to get appointments with therapists or licensed psychologists

Seeking help when suffering from PTSD is crucial to get disability benefits in Boston. You will get the help you need and also be able to qualify for disability.

Together with showing which symptoms are prevalent, individuals should also stress how the condition of PTSD is affecting job performance. Be sure to include all symptoms so the insurance company has more to work with when deciding to grant your PTSD claim for benefits. .

What If the Insurance Company Denies a Claim?

This is a possibility. Insurance companies look at posttraumatic stress disorder as an invisible illness. This means that there are not usually physical symptoms to prove the illness.

Insurance may deny a claim because:

  • working and treatment can coincide
  • very limited treatment
  • alternate occupations are available
  • there is missing medical information

If an insurance company refuses to pay the benefits your earned,  there are options. If your long-term disability coverage is provided through a private sector employer, your claim is governed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The insurance company must offer you at least one appeal. If your insurance coverage is individual, you have even more rights. Hiring a lawyer before going through the entire appeal process can speed up the process.

Filing a PTSD claim in Boston can be easier with help from lawyers or a company that a history of successfully representing individuals with these unseen illnesses. . Dealing with a denied claim with PTSD simultaneously is not easy and can be aggravating.

Hire a Boston Long Term Disability PTSD Attorney

If you’re tired of struggling with your daily activities because of posttraumatic stress disorder, it may be time to file for disability benefits.

At Jonathan M. Feigenbaum, Esquire, we want to help you get the disability benefits for PTSD that you deserve. Whether you are just starting to apply or have been denied for long-term disability, we have you covered. We’ve been helping to defend our client’s rights for over 25 years.

Contact us today, and we’ll look through your claim and guide you on the next best steps to better your life.

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